Charlotte Crosby's 3 Minute Bum Blitz

Charlotte Crosby's 3 Minute Bum Blitz

Wow! Geordie Shore star Charlotte Crosby has blitzed her 'pancake' bum with intense 3 minute workouts! "It's gone from fat and flat to skinny and flat to proper peachy!" And now she wants to help you lose weight and make your bum less of a bummer! Trainers Richard Callender and David Souter bring you this full body workout to... BLAST OFF FAT all over the body! BURN BUTT FAT super fast - with killer cardio moves, BUILD UP SLOWLY 12 kick-ass routines - all just 3 Minutes long! BLAG A BUBBLE BUTT with 10 minutes of EXTRA BUTT exercises. "Give it a go - you'll lose weight, have a laugh - and get some junk in your trunk!!"