Episode 6

Episode 6

Available on 7plus
S2 E6: A nail biting pursuit through a thick forest ends in a grisly death, before Josh and Dixon hear shots and join the chase. They reach Lola & Chelsea on the far side of a river and when Josh’s belief in their innocence allows their escape, Dixon arrests him and sends him to the airport for deportation. Will smuggles the women through the growing police presence to his mother’s caravan. Josh overpowers his arresting cop and makes a getaway. Alice opens up. It’s not just the gun, she tells them, she knows where the bodies are hidden. She hid them. Josh uses his resources to investigate the murder at the same time and begins to piece it all together as they do. At a petrol stop en route, Lola takes off in the car. Chelsea is confused but only for a moment before her father appears. Will overhears a phone call and confronts his mother about her evident betrayal -- what has she done? Lola follows Alice’s directions and begins to dig for the bodies. Will desperately chases her. But he’s not fast enough and he meets danger at the cabin. Morrison catches up with Lola and as the police close in around them, Chelsea appears and the two must make the ultimate decision…