Fashion Queen

Fashion Queen

Available on Tubi TV
S1 E5: Cally (Paula Brancati) has been selected to run the grade ten fashion show, but when "Dark Oracle" predicts the show will be a disaster, all her excitement disappears. In a desperate attempt to thwart Violet, Cally comes up with a plan she thinks is foolproof. She'll do the opposite of whatever Violet does, and therefore she'll get the opposite result. Violet's show will be a disaster, but Cally's will be a success. Despite Cally's failsafe logic, things do not go quite as planned. The models get frustrated with Cally, when she seems to constantly be changing her mind. Annie (Barbara Mamabolo), who has promised to help, feels that Cally is being an impossible primadonna. At the eleventh hour, almost all of the models drop out, leaving Cally with a few hours to pull her show together. Meanwhile, Sage (Danielle Miller) is struggling to face up to a gang of bullies who are terrorizing her at school.