Mustangs Forever

Mustangs Forever

S1 E13: The nail biter of the final and the Mustangs are 2-0 up. But Liv is jumpy in goal and in a panic, she concedes two goals to the Wildcats and subs herself off. Under pressure in her first game back, Anusha fouls the opposition. It’s a sloppy slide tackle, not intended to be violent, but Gabe (the ref) immediately blows it up. Emotions explode in an already tense match and parents begin arguing furiously on the sidelines. As things get badly out of hand, Gabe is forced to blow his whistle and abandon the game. Disaster! Despite it being 2-2 when the game was called off, with the Wildcats ahead on points in the league, they will claim the title this season. Marnie and the Mustangs are gutted. Some are unsure of whether they will play next year. Even Ruby is non committal. It looks like after only one season, the Mustangs might be over. Seeing how down she is, Danny encourages Marnie to girl up. The story doesn’t have to end this way. Marnie approaches Michaela with a plan. If the Wildcats want to beat the Mustangs fair and square, then they should have a rematch. No parents this time. Game on! The teams head to the park and the ‘Stangs are shocked and betrayed to see that now that the season is over, Ruby has is finally free to defect to the Wildcats. After a tense match, Liv nervously prepares to face her down when Ruby takes the penalty for the Wildcats. But Liv is focused and saves the kick, clasping it in her arms. Final whistle and Mustangs win, Mustangs actually win! And when Michaela won’t even cheer the winning team, can Ruby already see that she made the wrong choice?