Recycling / The Boat Pond

Recycling / The Boat Pond

S2 E106: Peppa and George help Mummy Pig tidy up the breakfast things. Mummy Pig tells them that bottles don’t go in the bin, they go into a special green box to be recycled. Old newspapers go in a red box and tins go in a blue box. Peppa and George have fun filling the boxes. Then they take everything to Miss Rabbit at the recycling plant. Miss Rabbit loves recycling so much she almost recycles Peppa’s car. / Today, Peppa and her family are playing at the pond with their toy boats. Peppa and George’s friends arrive with their toy boats. Everyone has a boat to play with except Rebecca Rabbit. Daddy Pig makes Rebecca a very special paper boat out of newspaper. Rebecca’s paper boat is so nice; everyone wants one.