

S1 E12: You’ll never believe it - but the Mustangs have gone and won their semi final! But their celebrations are short-lived when they realise they will have to face their nemesis in the final - the mighty mighty Wildcats. In an attempt to get some tips about how to skill up, the Mustangs go and spy on the Wildcats’ regime. But their opposition’s brutal training drills only serve to intimidate them. The Wildcats are like robots - how can the Mustangs even get close? At the club presentation night, their confidence is shaken further. While the boys’ team is feted and applauded, our girls are miserably sat at a table at the back by the men’s toilets, with no one even acknowledging their groundbreaking success this year. With far more sizzling under the surface than just soccer, Gabe and Marnie argue - it doesn't matter how Marnie’s team does, no one cares about the girls. When even Liv begins to doubt that they’ve got what it takes, Marnie has to pull her team together. There is no point trying to be like the Wildcats, or be like the boys. They are the Mustangs and they all bring their own amazing, distinctive skills to this team. Let’s go to work, Mustangs! Next day pitch side and the Mustangs and the Wildcats run on for the final to end all finals. Michaela and Marnie stare each other down and as the whistle blows, Marnie turns to the Wildcats captain - We’re not who you think we are.