Masters Of Stone 2 : Hard Rock
Available on Garage
From the overhangs of Rifle, Colorado to the desert boulders of southern Baja, from the towering walls of Yosemite to the wilderness pillars of Nevada, HARD ROCK takes us on an odyssey of adventure climbing to the cutting edge of the sport: Dan Osman's death-defying unroped solos and hideous climbing falls, Hidetaka Suzuki's free ascent of El Capitan's 3000-foot-high Salathé headwall, Ron Kauk's explosive boulder gymnastics and Rick Lovelace's speed-solo ultra-marathons where each move puts his life on the line---these are just a few of the stunning performances in this classic filmed primarily in 16mm. HARD ROCK moves at a blistering pace from one mind-boggling setting to another, yet as the movie progresses, we come to know the humor and vitality of the performers. We are caught up in their quest for athletic self-mastery. Eventually we discover that it is not the mountain they seek to conquer, it is themselves.
