This science fiction cult drama stars Maureen O'Sullivan and Ione Skye as Grace Clark and her teenage granddaughter, Dierdre, who befriend benevolent extraterrestrials after the aliens flee their own world and find themselves trapped in another: Clark's North Carolina farmhouse. Holding the twosome prisoner, the extraterrestrials run afoul of the law when one of them impulsively kills Dierdre's boyfriend, who happens to be the son of local hothead Vernon Burdett (Michael Greene). Despite the aliens' laser weaponry, the sheriff (Joe Morton) intends to treat the incident as a standard hostage crisis, but Greene wants to storm the farmhouse, with no consideration of Grace and Dierdre's safety. One of the visitors is played by Flea, bass player for the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Ione Skye, Joe Morton, Maureen O'Sullivan
Fleming B. Fuller