Without Love
She was a bashful bride! He walked in his sleep! Academy Award winners Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy star as a married couple who believe they have found the secret to wedded bliss: They share common passions but have decided to live together Without Love. Washington, D.C. World War II. Pat Jamieson (Tracy--Father of the Bride, Inherit the Wind) and Jamie Rowan (Hepburn--The African Queen, The Philadelphia Story) have both loved and lost. Independently, they have decided to forgo romance for the rest of their lives. But scientist Jamieson needs space to test his oxygen system for high-altitude pilots, and Rowan owns an estate perfect for his work and shares his passion to help the war effort. As two single people living together, Jamieson and Rowan decide to marry for the sake of propriety . . . vowing to each other that there will be no romance involved. And then the former girlfriend (Lucille Ball--"I Love Lucy") who broke Jamieson's heart returns, forcing Rowan to realize that, despite all her promises, she has come to love her husband in this witty romantic comedy.
Starring Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Lucille Ball
Director Harold S. Bucquet