Luke McGregor
Famous for his unassuming demeanor and painfully honest stand-up comedy, Luke McGregor was born in Tasmania, Australia. A shy child with a jaw problem that left him unable to completely close his mouth until the condition was later corrected, McGregor was often bullied. However, he quickly learned that his natural sense of humor could often diffuse tense situations, thus beginning his affinity for comedy. After graduating from the University of Tasmania with a combined bachelors of arts and bachelors of economics, McGregor worked at a number of jobs including one as a call center analyst until he eventually decided to pursue his longstanding love of comedy full time. Coming in as a finalist in Australia's Raw Comedy competition helped his efforts, as did being noticed by Working Dog Productions' Ed Kavalee, who offered the up and comer his first forays into television. After a handful of appearances on chat shows like "Dirty Laundry Live" (ABC, 2013-15), McGregor began co-starring on the comedy series "Utopia" (ABC, 2014-). The show offered him a wider fanbase, and introduced him to co-star Celia Pacquola, who would soon become his creative partner. Together, the two friends collaborated to create and star in the comedy series "Rosehaven" (ABC, 2016-), which began airing on Australia's ABC in 2016. Around this same time, McGregor found another somewhat unexpectedly successful niche for his point of view as a comedian, parlaying his own anxieties over sex and intimate relationships into a surprisingly fun and informative series titled "Luke Warm Sex" (ABC, 2016-).