Scientists have discovered a mysterious ninth planet ten times the size of Earth on the very edge of the solar system. This strange world could have moons with extraterrestrial life.
The universe is a dangerous place, and an exploration of the deadliest spots in the cosmos reveals that between Earth and the edge of the universe, there are a million ways to die. A crash test dummy is on a mission to discover the worst of them.
If a massive asteroid collides with Earth, it could end life on the planet. New discoveries reveal just how close civilisation is to apocalypse and what it would take for the world's leading space agencies to stop it.
New data from astronomical research reveals a new dark matter called the cosmic web, which has been responsible for transforming the chaotic and messy universe after the Big Bang to its present-day structured beauty.
Cosmic rays capable of destroying human DNA are hurtling through outer space like subatomic bullets, causing space crews radiation damage.
The mysterious dark matter is said to be like a cosmic glue that is holding together everything in this vast universe, yet it continues to play hide-and-seek with scientists.
Dr. Michio Kaku
Lawrence Krauss
Phil Plait
Richard Lintern
Mike Rowe