Calumon is being attacked by a digimon and somehow appears in the real world. Meanwhile, a boy named Takato finds a mysterious blue card. His obsession with the Digimon game leads him to create a Digimon, and when he finds a Digivice, a real digi-egg appears! But what is inside?
Takato secretly sneaks Guilmon into his house. Takato leaves Guilmon alone while he goes to school, but Guilmon follows him and causes chaos in the school. Takato meets Henry and his digimon Terriermon and worries he isn't worthy of having Guilmon. While looking for a place for Guilmon to stay, Takato and Guilmon are attacked by Renamon and her Tamer, Rika.
Henry and Terriermon stop the fight between Guilmon and Renamon, and Takato finds a perfect hiding place for Guilmon while he's away. Guilmon and Renamon resume their fight, and Terriermon gets in the way of an attack. He digivolves into Gargomon but can't control his powers...
Gargomon manages to de-digivolve to Terriermon and Henry is left thinking about destroying real living Digimon after talking to Rika.
Calumon watches kids in Takato's school play soccer and wishes to be a really good soccer player. He convinces Guilmon to come out of his hiding place and play with him. While they're in the school, a digital field appears and a Vilemon attacks them.
Rika is disappointed with her mother and with Renamon for not being able to digivolve while fighting Allomon and instead getting help from Guilmon and Terriermon. Renamon goes by herself and meets Impmon, who tells her she doesn't need a human to make her stronger.
Toshiko Fujita
Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
Chika Sakamoto
Yuto Kazama
Yamato "Matt" Ishida
Mayumi Yamaguchi
Yuko Mizutani
Sora Takenouchi