The El family are stripped of their privileges by a corrupt regime. Superman's grandfather, Seg-El, learns Krypton is in danger of being destroyed so that his future grandson will never be born.
Seg must learn to adjust to a new life and a new rank after suffering from a tragedy. However a new threat soon approaches.
Seg and Adam Strange race to locate a deadly Sentry during a military crackdown on Seg's home district.
A mysterious Black Zero leader approaches Seg, as Rao sets out to find a scapegoat for the disastrous Rankless Initiative.
Jayna struggles to deal with torn loyalties. Meanwhile, within the heart of Black Zero, Seg fights for his life.
The fate of the universe and the El legacy rests with Seg when he is faced with making an impossible choice.
Cameron Cuffe
Georgina Campbell
Lyta Zod
Aaron Pierre
Elliot Cowan
Ann Ogbomo
Jayna Zod