When Rocky and Bullwinkle travel to Paris to enter a cooking competition, Fearless Leader sends super spies Boris and Natasha after Bullwinkle to steal his secret recipe.
While Boris and Natasha continue their mission and Bullwinkle tries to overcome his stage fright to advance in the cooking competition, a secret government agency begins tracking Rocky and Bullwinkle's movements.
When Bullwinkle remembers he forgot the secret ingredient to his stinky pie recipe, he and Rocky travel to Norway and enlist the help of his beloved Grandwinkle, not knowing that they are being followed.
Director Peachfuzz recruits Rocky and Bullwinkle to help her infiltrate Fearless Leader's hideout, and Boris and Natasha are replaced by a robot henchman.
When Fearless Leader brainwashes Bullwinkle, Rocky must team up with Director Peachfuzz to stop them from making the stinky pie and taking over the world.
When Rocky and Bullwinkle want an interesting story to tell at their upcoming reunion, they accidentally take off for space in a very real rocket.
Tara Strong
Rocket J. Squirrel
Brad Norman
Bullwinkle J. Moose
Ben Diskin
Boris Badenov
Rachel Butera
Natasha Fatale
Piotr Michael
Fearless Leader