Soma constantly battles his father Joichiro to see who is the best chef at their family restaurant. When his father goes away, an urban developer seeks to get rid of the restaurant.
Soma cooks against Erina, the owner of the God's Tongue. During this challenge, Soma must alter his plans and puts together a superior egg dish.
When Soma shares his intentions of being the best student at the opening ceremony, he earns the dislike of his fellow students.
Soma has high expectations for Polar Star Dormitory, but encounters a surprising challenge that could determine his residency.
Soma must deal with an unofficial challenge that proves to be much more different from the official one.
Soma is interested in the Donmono Research Society, but soon learns that it is under threat from Erina's lackey.
Minami Takahashi
Megumi Tadokoro
Maaya Uchida
Yuki Yoshino
Natsuki Hanae
Takumi Aldini
Risa Taneda
Erina Nakiri
Ai Kayano
Ryoko Sakaki