Justine is getting ready for her big Glam Rock Show when Dash arrives with a guitar case that has no electric guitar inside. With help from her wardrobe consultant Tim Rogers, can Justine find a new way to rock in time for the show?
It's five minutes until show time and Justine has a major problem - she doesn't have a song to sing! Luckily snack bar attendant Shari Sebbens has some ideas and it's all to do with making lemonade.
Building a set in time for Justine's country music boot scooting show is going to be a huge challenge, especially because set builder Denise Scott loves an old fashion country yarn.
Justine is preparing a special gift for Dash and desperately needs help with the finishing touches before the show starts. With help from their audio engineer-comerapper Hau Latukefu the show takes a surprising twist.
Justine is trying to put together a special dance routine for today's funky disco dance show when she's interrupted by the super loud super clean cleaner David Collins. It might be just what Justine needs!
Justine is sick and can't reach the high notes for today's show. Her no nonsense vocal coach Eva Kong has some tips that just might get her out of trouble, unless Dash turns things around with his own surprise.
Justine Clarke