Mojo Jojo attacks the city with a laser that can turn people into dogs. The Professor's girlfriend babysits for the girls.
When millions of bugs take over Townsville, the gang must fight their fear of bugs. A gang dress as the girls to commit a series of crimes.
An evil villain tries to use Bubbles' sweet nature to defeat the Powerpuff Girls. The Amoeba Boys accidentally make the whole of Townsville ill.
Buttercup puts the others in danger when she falls in love. The Powerpuff Girls attempt to stop Fuzzy Lumkins from destroying the whole of Townsville.
The girls must fight to stop the Boogey Man's plans to block the sun. A dead magician returns to life to haunt the people of Townsville.
The Gangrene Gang make a series of prank calls to the Powerpuff Girls. A mysterious villain releases a gas that makes the citizens turn against the girls.
Tara Strong
Cathy Cavadini
E.G. Daily
Tommy Kenny
Narrator, Mayor
Tom Kane
Prof. Utonium