On the day they first meet, Stinky and Dirty must move a boulder; Jumpy the stunt cycle needs a new venue for her show.
Stinky and Dirty help out when Mighty the tugboat's spotlight goes out; Water Ways Chopper delivers packages.
Dirty's rear shovel is trapped under fallen dirt; when Stinky's hopper won't open, he needs help completing his trash pick-up.
Stinky and Dirty must come up with ways to get across town after running out of gas; bowling balls spill out of a truck.
Stinky and Dirty must come up with a solution after making a mistake; turning a trash-filled vacant lot into a park.
Stinky and Dirty hope they can fix Brave's broken siren; Dirty and his colleagues must work together to build a road.
Issac Ryan Brown
Jet Jurgensmeyer
Jaden Betts
Jacob Guenther
David McCamley