Wild Racers - Switzerland
Available on Garage
With most of the field starting to question their own abilities, they begin to doubt how they will ever see the end of this enduring journey. With our leaders now fighting their own demons as well as each other, the small time gaps are matching the ebb and flow of the landscape. The race is still wide open despite the extreme physical and mental fatigue. The immeasurable ability of our athletes to believe in themselves is fascinating. Leg 5 Kayak 25km (Cont’d) – Having faced a torrential change in conditions some of our teams are still on the kayaks. With each forward stroke into a confronting headwind teams give way to more lost ground than they make. What was 25km now feels like 50 as they struggle to make the shore and the all-important time cut off. How far can the human body be pushed … and for how long? Leg 6 Mountain Bike/Raft 110km – With the continual harsh conditions and growing fatigue our lead teams are committed to fight it out till the finish, whilst those that trail are facing the harsh reality that this has become a race for survival. At bike’s end there is a fast flowing raft that now tortures the already weary bodies and continues to soak the torn feet. Forward they move … one kilometre at a time. Leg 7 Trek 70km – Wild racers has saved the best till last, with a final double marathon trek to complete the destruction of the spirit. Like walking wounded our racers slowly but surely complete this epic tale. Are we seeing smiles of joy or relief, that finally this amazing journey through one of the most majestic landscapes on earth is complete? There are no losers or second places, as for all that accomplish this adventure take with it their own victory over their own challenges. This is Wild Racers and many will return again.

