Riley Parra: Better Angels
Available on Prime Video
Detective Riley Parra grew up in the bad part of town, the crime-ridden No Man's Land. Now, as a cop in a corrupt department, she strives to make sure the rough streets she left behind aren't forgotten. One case leads her to the discovery that No Man's Land is a battleground between angels and demons, a supernatural war that's been waged for centuries. Thrown into a world she never believed could exist and told that she's the only chance of defeating evil. Also distraction attempts in bars and in bed with pretty women, only help her to a certain extent in mastering the dark side of her life. Riley chooses to accept the title of Champion for Good. Demons are real, and Riley Parra plans to give them hell.
Starring Marem Hassler, Liz Vassey, Karl E. Landler
Director Christin Baker