You Got Me
Cynical Moe (Toni Gonzaga) has a brittle heart beneath her tough policewoman persona that no man ever dares to court her. Moe’s policeman father Allan (Johnny Delgado), who actually wants her to have a love life, is the only man who can really get close to her. Moe has a secret sympathy for Kevin (Sam Milby), a fainthearted policeman whose expertise is electronic surveillance. Kevin also nurtures a secret feeling and cares for the impenetrable Moe, but he risks losing his chance with her to Caloy (Zanjoe Marudo), a counterfeit DVD vendor whom Moe captures, along with his heart. Will Moe fall in love with the persistent Caloy or will the nice guy Kevin finish first? Most importantly -- is Moe even ready to surrender her heart to a man?
Starring Toni Gonzaga, Sam Milby, Zanjoe Marudo
Director Cathy Garcia-Molina