Taking place over 3 summers in the '90s when a popular teen goes missing, and a seemingly unrelated girl transforms from a sweet and awkward outlier to the most popular girl in town, eventually becoming the most despised person in America.
It's time for the annual Skylin Garden Club Party! Year after year after year, the residents of Skylin struggle with the truth around what happened to Kate, keeping their secrets buried and maintaining appearances.
Victim or villain? Jeanette continues to add fuel to the fire as her reckless behavior causes her friends and family to question her even more.
Kate, reeling from the lawsuit, prepares her defense and finds friendship in an unlikely source. The annual Wallis hunting trip becomes the setting for an important first meeting.
Jeannette and Kate cross paths at the Skylin High takeover of the County Fair, where one is desperate to prove herself, and the other to lose herself.
A new deposition threatens Jeanette's case. A discovery causes Cindy's suspicions about her own daughter to reach new heights as her relationship with Greg becomes further strained.
Harley Quinn Smith
Mallory Higgins
Olivia Holt
Kate Wallis
Froy Gutierrez
Jamie Henson
Blake Lee
Martin Harris
Brooklyn Sudano
Angela Prescott