Jonathan challenges the teams to create displays based on the inspirations behind fairy tales; judges Shinmin Li and Aarti Sequeria decide who advances to the next round and whose fairy tale comes to an end.
Jonathan Bennett asks three new teams to conjure up displays inspired by the "The Exorcist"; the teams showcase the battle between good and evil in hopes that judges Shinmin Li and Aarti Sequeria choose the right side.
In the final qualifying round, Jonathan Bennett has three teams choose two monsters and meld them into one maniacal monster mashup.
Jonathan Bennett tasks the six remaining teams with creating a display featuring a clown terrorizing a victim; judges Shinmin Li and Aarti Sequeria have the last laugh as they chose the creepiest clown.
The five remaining teams face a challenge as Jonathan Bennett asks them to make over a classic Hollywood monster; judges Shinmin Li and Aarti Sequeira evaluate their devious designs before sending one team home screaming.
Jonathan Bennett invites the teams to a dance party where ravenous zombies have brain-inspired treats; judges Shinmin Li and Aarti Sequeira decide which three teams move into the semifinals and which team's chances are dead on arrival.
Jonathan Bennett
Shinmin Li
Aarti Sequeira
Eddie Jackson
Zak Bagans