It's Sammy's birthday! And for the first time ever he's having a friends-party. Or so he thought.../ It's chore time, but Sammy and Raj keep getting distracted by the latest and greatest augmented reality, mobile-based video game!
It's family movie night, but Sammy and Raj have a drone derby to practice for! / Sammy and Raj are so excited to see the new Commander Dog Movie, but before they go they have to help Uma with prepping Bodhi for a photoshoot.
Sammy and Raj are playing a game of double-dog dare when Tara decides to up the stakes.../ Sammy and Raj decide the best way to go viral is make a connection with the town's most famous video creator: Mike Drop McGee. But how?
After beating Hugo at a game of Crazy Golf, Raj needs to find a way to get back in his good graces./ The death-defying day of skate is coming to town and Sammy finally has a chance to prove to Hugo that he's not 'Silly Sammy'.
Tara's pranks have gone too far and it's time for pay-back! / There's a heatwave and Sammy and Raj are over it. Luckily Sammy remembers he has two VIP passes to The Polar Palace!
Everyone in town is shimmying to the latest Bollywood dance trend: The Tavish Twist! Raj loves it, but Sammy is not so keen./ When Dada's manuscript goes missing, it's up to Sammy, Raj and Tara to find out 'who dun it?'