Ron Yuan

Ron Yuan

With a long and varied career in film and TV, the busy Ron Yuan qualifies as an entertainment renaissance man. He has worked as a stunt/fight coordinator, director, and actor, among other positions. During his early years years in the business, Yuan earned steady income handling stunts and fighting. While still a very young man, he started acting in martial arts-flavored films, such as 1991's "Ring of Fire" and 1994's "Double Dragon." Before long, he broadened his on-set work to include not just stunts but hand-to-hand combat scenes, even in films that seemed unlikely candidates for combat such as the 2004 fairy-tale fantasy "Ella Enchanted," which starred a young Anne Hathaway. For the most part, Yuan appeared in medium-budget action productions, but once in a while he earned roles in major releases. He portrayed the shady David Park in "Fast & Furious" (2009), the fourth installment of the popular car-thief saga. The actor has also been very active in TV, appearing in several well-known series. He played a henchman for a Chinese mercenary in "24" (2007) and the cold-blooded businessman Feng Huan in the incarceration drama "Prison Break" (2008).
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