Twelve-year-old Billy McCarty and his immigrant Irish family must leave New York and seek new opportunities in the West But the journey proves fatal for some
Kathleen and her sons Billy and Joe travel on to Santa Fe, but the harshness of life pushes her to marry a man she just met, thinking he’ll make things better
Antrim, Kathleen and the two boys relocate to Silver City, trying to start a new life But all their dreams are shattered, and Billy loses everything
Following his escape, Billy finds fresh trouble when he has a falling-out with a local blacksmith and gets dragged into a drunken brawl
Billy ends up in Chihuahua, New Mexico, with a new friend named Segura Together, they enjoy several risky escapades, putting Billy’s life on the line
Billy is once more wrapped up with Jesse Evans and his gang, who are about to journey to Lincoln County But before he goes with them, he must fulfill a promise
Tom Blyth
Billy the Kid
Daniel Webber
Jesse Evans
Otto Bathurst
Executive Producer
Michael Hirst