The team travels to the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean to reveal the greatest secrets in the lives of the North Atlantic humpback whale. They witness a mother defend her calf in the ultimate ocean battle with a pack of orcas.
The team dives into the depths of the mid-Atlantic to reveal the secret life of sperm whales and discover their hidden prey, never seen here before.
The team is in the Azores to tag the sixgill shark and learn more about its nightly patterns hunting for food in the abyss. The team tags and retrieves valuable data, uncovering why this shark undertakes its epic journey from the depths at night.
The team is in the crystal-clear waters of Bimini in the Bahamas to witness the incredible journey of the great hammerhead shark. As the team follows the shark's migration, they discover the secrets of how these animals navigate the vast ocean.
The team's mission is to figure out if Svalbard's polar bears are adapting to their environment; they face this giant of the Arctic Ocean and scale a glacier to learn how much time is left for one of the most critical habitats for polar bears.
Learning how a population of bowhead whales, once hunted almost to extinction, is faring today; the team is the first to observe the feeding strategies of the deep-sea Greenland shark, an animal that can live for more than 400 years.
James Cameron
Maria Wilhelm
Roger Webb
Orla Doherty