SCIENCE OF STUPID combines cold hard science with some of the craziest, most spectacular and painful user-generated clips ever recorded. In this episode, host Richard Hammond shows us the many ways to embarrass, injure and humiliate yourself when weightlifting, shooting guns and jumping over cars.
Learn just how many ways there are to injure and humiliate yourself while riding a unicycle, running on a treadmill - or jumping off a roof.
Richard Hammond uses science and home footage to reveal how and why it can be so easy to injure or embarrass yourself while pole dancing, playing on a pogo stick or cutting down trees.
Richard Hammond combines science with home footage to reveal how easy it is to injure or embarrass yourself when walking on ice or riding in a shopping trolley.
Richard Hammond explores how adventures can turn to misadventures when he examines embarrassing and painful footage of people horseriding, diving and using exercise balls.
Richard Hammond explores the humiliating and painful potential of scooter stunts, breakdancing and swinging on ropes.
Dallas Campbell
Richard Hammond
Markus Rutledge
Tony Cordeaux
Al Blane