After a crime in the distant reaches of the galaxy, the Jedi Order track down a prime suspect.
An assassin strikes again, and the investigating Jedi team attempt a capture the culprit.
On a mysterious planet, the tragic journey of two sisters as The Force twists their destinies.
Confident of the assassin's identity and methodology, the group of Jedi race to the deep jungles of a new world to intercept the suspect before she targets her next victim.
A thick jungle becomes the scene of destruction for the Jedi, as they face the rising darkness of a new kind of enemy. Each of the Jedi find their training put to the test as a mysterious warrior channels the Dark Side against them.
On a distant island world, two strangers confront unsettling questions about identity and destiny as they each plot their next moves. Sol tries to make his way home, but a traitor still exists within his ranks.
Amandla Stenberg
Lee Jeong-jae
Master Sol
Manny Jacinto
Carrie-Anne Moss
Dafne Keen
Jecki Lon