Adventures of Jojo
ADVENTURES OF JOJO is pretty much every daydream every seven-year-old kid ever had. EVER. There’s adventure, danger, comedy, and candy. A six-year-old boy named Jojo wakes up from a car crash deep in the woods. He reluctantly pulls his baby sister Avila from the wreckage, plops her into his backpack, and together they try to make it home alive. Armed with just a pocketknife and a little bit of faith, they find themselves battling hobos, wolves, and raging rivers along the way. If you’re an overprotective parent, this film may make you squirm. But if you’re a child or a child at heart, Jojo and Avila will take you on the incredible journey you’ve been waiting for.
Starring Joseph Ogando, Avila Schmidt, Peter Tahoe
Director Brian Schmidt