Helizoomer Pizza

Helizoomer Pizza

S2 E9: Hank and Helen give Ricky 'Helizoomers' (helicopter wings) as part of his new rescue kit, but Ricky doesn't work out how to use them properly with Maxwell because he wants to show them to the buddies. Ricky realises he can only go backwards in them which ruins Mrs Bikely's pizza picnic when Ricky reverses into Blip's pizza delivery. Ricky puts everything right when he rescues pizzas from Troy and Ashley who didn't realise the pizzas they had were for the pizza picnic. The pizzas hang from a cliff edge and Ricky uses his Helizoomers to flight high and sweep the pizzas up just before they fall to the ground. In the end Mrs Bikely's pizza picnic is a great success and Ricky learns how to use his 'Helizoomers' perfectly.