Oganga, the Giver and Taker of Life

Oganga, the Giver and Taker of Life

S1 E11: Finding success in battle as a daring lieutenant on the African front, Indy chafes with his stern major. Their unit sets out on a dangerous trek across the jungles of the Congo on a mission to recover precious weapons. En route, Indy and his comrades rescue a young child and disobey their major’s orders to kill the boy. Venturing downriver, disease cripples the men, and Indy becomes delirious with fatigue. When their riverboat is intercepted by the operators of a local hospital, the young lieutenant is nursed back to health by Albert Schweitzer, a German doctor who came with his wife to Africa to help those in need. Schweitzer’s compassion and reverence for life recuperates Indy’s ailing soul, inspiring him to help bring an end to the war.