It’s Christmas Eve. A snowstorm is raging. A car silently parks behind a shopping centre. Aboard, three nervous, armed men are preparing to commit a hold-up. But the man who seems to be the leader has second thoughts. The other two, Normand and his kid brother Gerard, don’t want to pull back. They’ll go alone, despite the latter’s inexperience. As the two men flee the store after rifling the cash register, Gerard accidentally kills a Santa Claus who happened to be passing by. The police catch Normand, but his brother Gerard manages to get away with the loot. Louis-Philippe Trépanier, a radio anchor who has heard about the crime, follows the fugitive in the storm. Ambitious and without scruples, Trépanier sees in Gerard a golden opportunity to restore his image with his bosses, strike a publicity coup and finally get the recognition he’s been seeking for so long. But the situation doesn’t unfold as expected.
Starring Denis Bouchard, Marcel Leboeuf, Guy Thauvette
Director André Melançon