Chasing Taste
CHASING TASTE is a romp through a world of quirky characters, tangled stories, and heightened senses. Chase Guidry is a down-and-out, failed novelist who never got his big break. But as his dream of being a writer seems to be slipping away, he's given a second chance as a food critic. Telling stories about food hits a chord with readers and he soon becomes the hottest restaurant critic in New York City. While celebrating his success, an ill-fated sailboat ride results in an accident that robs him of his senses of taste and smell. On the verge of seeing his only shot at fame slip away, he and his agent assemble a team of a super-taster and super-smeller to help him fake reviews. And it works! For a time...Riding his lie for as long as it will carry him, Chase is bound for an epic collapse.
Starring Kirk McGee, Uma Incrocci, Maitely Weismann
Director Sean Gannet