Twelve year-old Freddie lives with his father, a police officer. Freddie has no friends and is bullied. One day, when Freddie sees a dog being mistreated by his owner, he decides to do something about it. During a terrible storm, he abducts the dog and calls it Storm. Storm is an unusually fast runner so Freddie brings him to a nearby dog racetrack. Storm makes a good first impression and dog trainer Sofie offers to help. When Freddie s father discovers Storm, he demands that it be returned. Freddie gets sick with sorrow and his father realizes that Freddie will have to buy Storm; but, the owner is greedy and in order to keep the dog Freddie binds himself to an unreasonable installment plan that is impossible to pay off. He enters Storm in the Danish dog racing championship and, if Storm wins the first prize, Freddie will finally be free of debt and the rightful owner. In his struggle to keep the dog, he wins the respect of his schoolmates; even Dad has his life turned upside down.
Starring Marcus Rønnov, Kirsten Lehfeldt, Troels Lyby
Director Giacomo Campeotto