Burrell offers his support to Daniels; Bubbles' plan backfires; Colvin tries to get Namond off the street; Omar hatches a new plan; McNulty looks to pay back a debt.
Marlo forges an alliance with a drug connect; the newspaper gives McNulty increasing attention; Elena confronts him about his behavior.
Marlo takes care of some unfinished business and strikes a business deal with Barksdale; Mayor Carcetti's chief of staff searches for good news; frustrated McNulty decides to take matters into his own hands.
Carcetti makes the rounds with members of the force; Herc tries to retrieve his camera; the return of a missing family member dismays Michael.
While Freamon's hard work pays off with a promising lead, McNulty is not in the mood to celebrate; Michael is suspicious about his latest assignment; Bubbles recounts a recent temptation.