In the beginning, a plague crossed over the House of Heidelbaum. Its youngest, Jonah, was plunged into the belly of the whale; but was culled from the darkness by the shepherd Meyer Offerman. Somewhere across the ancient land of Manhattan, Millie Morris, a guardian of the law, whose faith hath been tested, trekked South upon the death of an elderly woman.
After discovering a clue about a murderous foe, Jonah travels to a wondrous land to locate a great evil and avenge his family. But his search lands Jonah in mortal peril that only the great shepherd Meyer Offerman can rescue him from. Meanwhile, down in the land of Florida, Millie Morris discovers that evil has many faces and that her search for truth may reveal more than she bargained for.
At the behest of Meyer, The Hunters bring Jonah into their tribe.
Millie pursues justice; Jonah's faith is strained by the trials of The Hunt, and he turns to the specter of his grandmother for counsel; The Hunters toil to interpret the secret words of a wicked proclamation.
A trail of signs lead The Hunters to a merchant's lair, where echoes of the past remain; Millie visits Meyer Offerman's house where she encounters Jonah.
Meyer imparts courage to Jonah; The Hunters descend on Alabama to root out evil; Millie receives a tip.
Al Pacino
Meyer Offerman
Logan Lerman
Jonah Heidelbaum
Jerrika Hinton
Millie Malone
Josh Radnor
Lonny Flash
Kate Mulvany
Sister Harriet