Soar over the Aegean and Greece’s wondrous Cyclades archipelago. Visit the Colossus of Dionysus, see a shipwreck that inspired a cult film, and tour a cliffside monastery. Meet the region’s busiest painter and more intriguing people along the way.
Wing your way over mythical southern Greece and view the glorious Acropolis in Athens and the temples of the Peloponnese. Share Icarus’s view of Apollo’s temple, meet a fearless artist, and channel the spirit of water nymphs with a team of swimmers.
Glide over a land of spellbinding beauty and priceless heritage. Explore the walled city of Rhodes, the birthplace of the Hippocratic oath, and the Minotaur’s labyrinth. Visit an island that could erupt at any time and the beach from a classic film.
Ascend to the heavens above Mount Olympus and survey a land shrouded in magic and mystery. Explore a northern Greek city that rose like a phoenix from the ashes, and learn the legends of St. Paul, two dragons, and Aristotle’s most famous student.
Bessie Carter
Stephen Rooke
David Royle
Charles Poe