The chief inspector leaves a robbery case to a colleague, because he's only interested in murder.
A murder victim seems to have died twice, both on a distant island and many years earlier in the 2004 tsunami, and Bäckström wants to interrogate the widower.
Bäckström travels to Thailand to dig for clues around Jaidee's life and death, and everything points to Jaidee having died in the tsunami.
Bäckström has a theory about what might have happened to Jaidee, but the team is skeptical and he can't prove anything yet.
Bäckström has been suspended but can't stop himself from helping the homicide investigation.
Bäckström is struggling with the feeling of having been betrayed by someone close to him, but keeps it to himself as he's put back on the job.
Kjell Bergqvist
Evert Bäckström
Agnes Lindström Bolmgren
Ankan Carlsson
Helena Bergström
Pekka Strang
Filip Berg
Kristian Olsson