A serious argument drives one couple to extremes; a sky-high proposal makes a woman's head spin; a sexy-time bubble bath turns up the heat.
A romantic courtroom surprise is planned for an unsuspecting clerk; one half of a high school sweetheart couple looks for a hall pass; a group of wing-men come up with a clever way to score a second date.
Couples explore new uses for doorbell cams; partners try their hand at pest control; a woman who has been divorced for over 20 years gets some news about her ex.
A couple's relationship jumps the shark; a doting dad keeps an eye on his daughter's date in a 21st century way; a woman's post-anesthesia confession reveals what she really thinks of her husband.
Captures the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of real couples.
NeNe Leakes
Matthew Kelly
Michael Sorensen
Karen Infantino