Posy gives Pip a present, a toy penguin, but he already owns one; he goes to great trouble to hide it from her, so he doesn't hurt her feelings.
Pip is feeling sniffly and having a sofa day; Posy decides to be his doctor but she is so loud and excitable that it makes him feel worse.
When Posy forgets to bring Froggy to a sleepover at Pip's house, Pip does something that only a true friend would do, he gives Posy his favorite toy, Piggy, for the night.
When Pip plays with Zac, Posy feels left out and hurt so hides Zac's precious toy.
When Pip shows a fear of worms, Posy finds a fun way to help him get over the problem.
When Pip and Posy go puddle jumping, Pip persuades Posy to wear her matching wellies even though they are too small and uncomfortable for her.
Felix Tandon
Raphaella Crow
Isha Kaur Athwal
Nellie Pickerill
Isaac Gittins