Every spring in Norway, the whales use a clever hunting technique called `bubble feeding' to catch quantities of herring. When they spot a shoal of herrings, they begin to encircle the herring.
Marine biologists Eve Jourdain and Richard Kaoliussen have spent two full years studying the orcas living in Norway where they have adapted the carousel technique to their habitat.
In the depths of the ocean, swift and agile sea lions perform incredible underwater manoeuvres to outwit their enemies. On the beaches of Patagonia, as a sea lion pup learns to swim, predators are preparing an attack on him that will be fatal.
Cape Gannets are tough hunters flying over the coasts for their favourite prey: shoals of sardines. But these sardines are waiting for what may be considered a surprising ally: dolphins.
Under the burning sun of Cape Cross, large colonies of seals gather on Namibia's Skeleton Coast, the males patrol the territory to protect their females and young, new predators come from the land, forcing them to learn new defence behaviours.
In the heart of the Valdees Peninsula in Patagonia, whales are regularly hunted by a predator whose diminutive size hides its gruesome intentions. The seagull forces whales to dive deep into the depths, away from essential oxygen and light.