Nine flaxen-haired children from the Plath family have never had a soda, don't know pop-culture icons and have never watched TV, live in rural Georgia with their parents Kim and Barry Plath.
Kim allows Moriah to go to San Francisco with Olivia; Ethan finds creative ways to pass the time while Olivia is gone.
Barry and Kim leave the farm for a night to celebrate their anniversary, putting Micah and Lydia in charge; the Plath kids party and some uninvited guests join them.
Barry and Kim deny Isaac's request to join the band; Ethan and Olivia receive an olive branch from the family leaders; Moriah shares her desire to go to college.
Moriah and Kim plan out a college tour; Micah tries his hand at modeling; Ethan, Olivia, Kim, and Barry finally sit down to discuss their issues.
Kim takes Moriah on her first college tour; Micah nearly jeopardizes his career as a model before it even begins; Ethan and Olivia plan an outing for the family.
Kim Plath
Barry Plath
Ethan Plath
Micah Plath
Moriah Plath