1914 tells the story of the 21st Battalion as they prepare for the battle of Courcelette in World War I. Taking place in real time, the film follows Sgt. Mac Reid as he must get his men ready for the impending battle. Not only must he prepare his battalion, Sgt. Reid must also deal with the day to day difficulties of life in the trenches; including terrible injuries to his men, exhausted supplies and an underage recruit who has joined the army in search of adventure. Entirely representative of the generation of young men pitched into the slaughter of World War I, they encounter the bloody carnage of the Western Front. The war to end all wars, this is the story of the human cost of war on a scale the world had never seen before; an intimate and powerful depiction of World War I.
Hauptdarsteller:innen Steven Spencer, Clayton Garrett, Tom Sinclair
Regie Michael McGuire