Episode 6

Episode 6

S2 F6: Kingsley is uncharacteristically furious when Dan the geology tutor seemingly forgets about the very existence of sedimentary rock during a seminar. Spurred on by a righteous sense of getting-his-moneys-worth, Kingsley makes an official complaint. Unfortunately it directly precedes the annual geology field trip to the Pennines, leaving Kingsley thinking he may have chosen the worst possible time to make an enemy. Several hours later, with JP stuck up the side of a mountain, and all three boys seemingly abandoned, it begins to look like he was right. Meanwhile Josie learns that she has been kicked off her course for good, but chooses not to tell anyone as she petitions to get back on. Sexy Dylan, from the library, begins to look like Oregons ideal man but then he drops a bombshell when we lets slip that his father is Tony Shales. Money problems are again rearing their ugly head for Vod, when she learns she has to pass a urine sample in order to receive the next instalment of her RAF scholarship. The problem is her urine is 90% Class As so, with her entire future at university on the brink, she is forced to hunt down some elusive clean piss.