Doug Preis

Doug Preis is a renowned voice actor known primarily for his role as Alluro, a snide, arrogant mind-bending villain, on the 1980s animated kid's program "Thundercats." The Rankin/Bass show debuted in 1985 and followed the otherworldly adventures of a race of alien-cat hybrids on Third Earth as they battle various infernal creatures like The Mutants, The Berserkers, The Evil Mutants, The Lunatacs, and the Thundercats' primary nemesis, Mumm-Ra the Ever Living. The show lasted five years and has become a cult hit with nostalgia-driven adults. An updated, anime-inspired version of the show debuted in 2011. Preis also contributed a number of voices for "The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers," the influential Nickelodeon show "Doug," and the short-lived space opera "SpaceHawks," also produced by Rankin/Bass and intended as a companion show to "Thundercats," among other shows. While kids sat in front of the television watching the shows Preis worked for, more than likely they were also hearing his distinctive voice in many commercials for McDonalds, Honey Nut Cheerios, and others.
