Miles Luna

Miles Antony Luna is a Rooster Teeth staff member, director, and filmmaker known for writing and directing Red vs. Blue and RWBY. He is the winner of two International Academy of Web Television Awards for Best Animated Series for Red vs. Blue Season 10 and RWBY Volume 1. Miles is one of the writers and assistant directors of RWBY, as well as the voice actor for Jaune Arc. He also voices Felix in the popular web series, Red vs. Blue. He is the Head Writer of Animation at Rooster Teeth working on writing, editing, voice acting, and graphic designing. He and Kerry Shawcross also own and stream on the Twitch channel Streamyweenies. Miles is one of the head directors at Rooster Teeth, known for leading seasons 11 and onward of Red vs. Blue. Alongside Kerry Shawcross, Miles is one of the main writing staff for the anime RWBY. He is the voice actor for Jaune Arc from RWBY and Felix from Red vs. Blue. He has appeared on the RT Podcast and On The Spot. Miles and Barbara both worked the sound booth at RTX11. He is best known for being an employee at Rooster Teeth, working on editing and graphic design, as well as being one of the lead writers and directors of Red vs. Blue Seasons 10 to 13.