The new school year begins and the twins, Andrea and Marco, go into different classes after Andrea failed the previous year due to selling drugs; despite looking perfectly alike from the outside, the twins are actually very different.
Andrea regrets sending Micol's picture to Daniele and now he's in deep trouble; Marco is very excited about his first date with Carola.
Carola convinces Marco to shoot the video for Klan Bruxelles and things now seem to be working out between them; Marco also seems to be getting along with Daniele.
Marco and Carola's relationship continues with some ups and downs; Marco tries to reconnect with Andrea to smooth things over between them, but his brother is very elusive.
Andrea reveals the profile to Nina, while Daniele is still wondering who is behind it; meanwhile, Klan Bruxelles throws a big party for their new music video that ends up being a turning point in the lives of the main characters.
Carola is riddled with guilt and Nina advises her to tell Marco everything; meanwhile, Marco is feeling sorry for editing the music video without letting Daniele know.
Mattia Carrano
Lorenzo Zurzolo
Caterina Forza
Chiara Bordi
LXX Blood