Sixteen racers remain in the first No Prep Kings Invitational as the racers move into Round 2; racers push their cars further for a chance at the $50,000.
In round two, Ryan Martin fights to hold onto his lead in points.
Multiple heavy hitters are upset by underdogs as the racers fight to win.
The Street Outlaws are in Tucson, Ariz., for the next No Prep Kings invitational race; the dusty desert brings its own challenges; Birdman is out for blood, while Kye Kelley hopes to prove he really is a contender in this series.
Weather causes a change of venue, as the drivers strive to be number one.
The racers move into round two of the sixth No Prep race in South Carolina; as the track gets better, the racers turn it up to try to win; racers have to fight to survive the fastest semifinals and finals ever seen as eliminations continue.
Craig Piligian
Sam Korkis
Craig Coffman
Todd Lefkowitz