The crash survivors must make a life-changing decision; tensions escalate between Jackson and April; Alex tries to restrain himself.
A local college student is sexually assaulted, and the SVU detectives utilise every strategy they have to uncover a massive conspiracy involving the university's top administrators. Rollins and Benson visit the victim at a psychiatric hospital, where she is undergoing electroshock therapy to erase the memories of her attack.
With Jane and Tony on opposite sides of a fraud case filed by a bigamist's two wives, Kim wrestles with the idea of motherhood while fighting to reclaim a friend's baby from its surrogate mother.
After accidentally breaking the dishwasher, Booker and Nia call the landlord to fix it, which almost costs the family their home.
When Nia sneaks to school wearing makeup against Raven's orders, she draws the attention of the 8th grade girls who invite her to hang out with them.